Monday, November 27, 2006

Feeling Better After a Bath..

An update from Savannah:

Today Addie and I laid low. She was so sick yesterday, probably exhausted from all the hustle and bustle of the past week. She had a stuffy nose, watery eyes with sneezing and coughing. The poor little thing was so stuffed up, but was still such a good baby girl. I made two trips to Target and one to the Piggly Wiggly (I know I'm in the South, when this is the closet store!) for medicine, diapers and a humidifier. She seems to be doing better and has had her sense of humor all day. Today, Addie watched her first episode of Seseame Street, and I'm pretty sure she fell in love with Elmo. Everytime he came on the TV screen, she laughed and talked to him. I'm hoping tomorrow when we wake up she is all better.

Tonight was a gorgeous evening. Mandy and I took the dogs and Addie on a walk through their neighborhood. I have talked to Doug several times today and Mandy to Jesse as well. It's kind of wierd to be just the girls, but we are having a really good time. We put up Mandy's Christmas tree tonight. It is bright and beautiful; Addie loves looking at the lights.

If Addie is feeling better tomorrow, we may venture out on the town. I want to take advantage of the great weather and the nice town while we are here. When Jesse gets back next Tuesday, I'm sure we'll do more, maybe some historical tours or something along that line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is too darn cute! love the pictues of her!
sound like you are having lots of fun and enjoying your adventures!
can't wait to see you guys when you get back!
love,alli & bella