Saturday, November 04, 2006

3 Months Old...

Seriously we blinked and it's the end of October! Addie is so much fun to have around. She amazes us with her developments each week. She is holding her head up really well. She can sit in her bebe pod seat without any support. Her new thing is laughing and cooing at cheerleader moves and chants. She gets so excited that she has to catch her breath. Addie is now taking bottles like a champ and giving mommy a break when it comes to feedings. Addie is discovering the extremities of her body. She sucks and chews on her fingers and hands. When on her back, she kicks her legs up and stares at her feet. Addie continues to be such a good baby; we enjoy her so much. Our hearts literally swell with love, pride and adoration for our daughter.

We definitely have a routine down and Addie is now sleeping through the nights going down at 8:30 pm and getting up at 6:00 am. In the mornings we finish breakfast and laugh and dance with ELLEN. Addie loves to snuggle up and read. Her favorite books are Good Night Moon, Dr. Seuss's Foot Book, Jamberry and Funny Farm (Her Daddy makes some really good barnyard noises!) Daddy comes home for lunch each day to be with his girls... we LOVE this!

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