Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Have A Problem...

Four months ago, I didn't even fully understand what a blog was!?! Occasionally, I would hear people talk about blogs or see blurbs on TV or in magazines, but I wouldn't think twice about them. I just figured it was something that the teenie-boppers were doing these days. My life was fine without blogging.

I have several friends that blog. I started checking out their pages and added them to my favorites on my desktop. I decided that I could do this; it would be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. Everyone would be able to keep up with Addie's milestones and our family adventures. The concept of a blog wasn't as foreign as I has once believed. I created our blog spot and began an electronic diary to share with the world.

My parents always warned me about peer pressure. Just because your friends are doing something, doesn't mean you have to do it. Updating my blog and checking out everyone else's blog has become a full fledged addiction of mine. It's my secret shame, my cocaine! I LOVE IT!!! Doug says I have a serious problem when I prefer my computer to my husband... he is only half joking - HA!

For my fellow bloggers... keep blogging!

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