Monday, February 12, 2007

6 Months Check Up...

Dr. Megan gave Addie an A++ for behavior during her visit at the office today. She laughed and giggled the whole time. At 6 months, she is weighing in at 18lbs 8oz (90%) and is 27 inches long (90%). Her head also measured at 90% so we have a perfectly proportioned baby girl! (I didn't need a doctor to tell me that she's perfect!) Dr. Megan attributed Addie's cold last week to a minor ear infection that we are treating with an antibiotic. No worries, we go back in 2 weeks for a follow-up.

PS - Dr. Megan is expecting her first little one... YEAH!!! She is 12 weeks along and you can tell she is really excited. Congratulations Dr. Megan!

PSS - I should write more, but I'm exhausted. I'm just getting home and it's 7:30. I'm used to being home more around 3:30. Stick a fork in me, I'm done! Doug is being a wonderful husband... again and is cooking dinner. Addie is watching her new Baby Einstein video Baby MacDonald. (Thanks Alli, it's a lifesaver this evening!)

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