Saturday, February 17, 2007

Big Day for a Little Lady...

Addie may not look too terribly thrilled in this photo, but we sure are!
Our little stinker is sitting up all by herself!

Cassie, Addie & Alexis

The Fasick girls came over this morning to play with Addie. Doug is finishing the bar/kitchen in their basement this weekend. They knew I'd be home alone with Addie and asked if they could come over. They are our neighbors and are both former students of mine. Addie had such a good time showing them all of her toys and tricks. Can you believe that she pulled a new trick out of her bag? Sitting up! I still can't believe it! She is becoming so independent... feeding her entire bottle to herself, rolling over, sitting up. It's all so exciting!!! I had planned all week to introduce her to the sippy cup this afternoon, but I don't know if I can handle one more break through today!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Way to go Addie! We can't wait to see you again soon!