Sunday, March 29, 2009

Show Me: Does God Care About Pain & Suffering...

This was the title of the service we attended on Saturday evening. We almost didn't go... we were running late, pulled up to the entrance of the church and realized that even the greeters weren't there anymore. I ran a donation inside and motioned to Doug that they were still singing the worship songs... we still had a fraction of a minute to sneak in.

With it already being an emotional day, I knew that a break down was hovering somewhere just under the surface. My emotional levee, was hitting it presuppose and was about to flood. I swear, the message delivered this evening was written for me. I wept with all my heart by the time the service ended.

Our pastor, Steve Poe, delivered a very moving sermon on why there is pain and suffering in our world. Simply put, we live in a fallen world... this isn't heaven. There are no guarantees that bad things won't happen to good people. The big question is how we will respond when we are confronted with difficult things in our lives. And without hesitance our trust and our strength must be in God no matter what our trials.

He preached that there are benefits of difficult times. He mentioned three main points, but the one that resonated most with me was: To equip us. (2 Corinthians 1:4) He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

I hate the fact, that I share the sorrow of losing a child with so many other women. Personally, I have countless friends and family members who are among a club, that no one wants a membership to. Each of these women are all beautiful, strong and loving individuals who do not deserve this degree of pain and suffering. We have shed tears together and listened to each other as our hearts broke, our dreams shattered and our bodies healed. They have all been such a support and comfort to me in my darkest hours. They have equipped me to do the same in return.

This will be my last post about our losses. I am referring back to an earlier post in February that I need to focus not on my loss, but what I still have. It has been empowering for me to share this chapter of my life with all of you as I continue my journey through motherhood. My babies, though never held in my arms, deserved to be mourned. Part of my healing process has been to be open about my miscarriages and not try to hide or mask my emotions. My journey is nowhere near over, but I know that our Lord is with me as my teacher and healer, reminding me THAT THIS TO SHALL PASS.

If you have suffered a loss, I highly recommend Grieving the Child I Never Knew by Kathe Wunnenberg. The daily devotionals and scriptures have been a source of reflection and comfort for me. Thank you Mindy for sharing this with me... I love you!


The Maines Family Blog said...

The eloquent way you are able to share your emotions through writing is beautiful! I think that sharing our stories help us all in healing from our losses and learning and grwoing from those experiences! Your strength is amazing…you are a strong, beautiful women!!!!
Thanks telling your stories, Angie!!!

Tara said...

Ang, please know that you are equipped to help others experiencing the same pain as you. I turn to you for your strength, guidance, and comfort knowing you've been down the road I'm traveling and have found peace in your faith and loving family. God works in mysterious ways and I'm so thankful to have you as a friend. -Tara