Monday, May 07, 2007


I decided to take part in the Saxony neighborhood garage sale Saturday morning. I didn't have much to offer those who stopped by, but I got rid of some items that have made 3 moves and haven't been touched in 5 years... good riddens! It did give me a chance to catch up with some neighbors and share a few good stories and laughs.

Saturday evening we visited with the Warners. Doug and Scott went to play golf, while Amy and I stayed home with the 3 girls. I made some Mexican munchies in honor of Cinco de Mayo, but we never actually got around to eating them. Amy and I ate maybe 2 bites, because the girls kept us so busy. I tell you, I could hold those baby girls all day long and not think twice about it! Addie played a new version of peek-a-boo that had Amy and I laughing so hard, we had tears in our eyes. Little girl was full fledged cackling, she had herself so worked up. It went on for 5-10 minutes and it was a riot!

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