Monday, December 18, 2006

Miss Dolly...

Nana Newton gave Addie this doll for Christmas. Tonight, she and I are hanging out, while Doug is at the Colt's game with all the guys. She would giggle when I would dance with the doll and make it rattle. Poor doll almost lost an arm, Addie chewed on it all evening. She refused to take her early evening nap, but I don't mind because that meant we had more time for girls' night! I am taking in every moment I have with her. The count down is on for my return to work.
Friends & Family,
Please don't be offended if I start declining offers the next several weeks; I want to be home with my sweet baby girl. These past 4 months have flown by before my very eyes. We are down to days... Ahhh!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute with her Miss Dolly!!!
Isn't it amazing how many times we will do the same thing over and over again to hear their sweet little giggles! I love it!
I know how you are feeling about counting down the days until you go back to work...for me the anticapation truly was worse but I am so much busier now that I am back to work! So ENJOY every work can wait!
I do find myself holding her more and just playing with her.
It seems like they change daily sometimes!
Becoming a mom was the best early Christmas gift I could of ever have gotten as I am sure you will agree! :)