Sunday, September 28, 2008

Off to Michigan...

Kenny Chesney's song says it best... "There goes my life, my everything." Doug, Addie, Tucker and my niece & God child Bria packed up Friday and headed off to Michigan to visit GrMa and GrPa Reusser. If the half hour of playing together before they left was any indication of how the next couple of days would pan out, we have two very happy, giggly, entertaining princesses! It took just at 15 minutes for me to call and make sure they were OK and for me to tell them that I missed them terribly. Yeah I've gotten a lot done and have really enjoyed my weekend, but the house is way too empty and way too quiet. What can I say, I love being a mom and a wife. My mom, sister and neighbor keep calling and checking in on me... I'm doing just fine and dandy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay! I cried looking at the picture! As much as I miss her Zach is even worse off. I just realized he had never been away from her even for a night. He keeps asking when she is coming home.