Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Turkey Tale...

Leif and his 5 mos old turkey, Turk
Turk is very friendly
Folks, I can't make this kind of stuff up! Only in Terre Haute at a Newton family function, would someone dream of bringing their pet turkey along! Most of us bring our dogs to the hog roast, but this year we had a turkey show up... and a very well mannered one at that. Turk made sure to mind his P's & Q's so he wouldn't end up as next year's "Mystery Meat."

1 comment:

Mindy Brownlee said...

R u serious!!! Only in Terre Haute is right. Thank goodness Jesse wasn't there to see it, he probably would have gotten revenge for not seeing so much as turkey poo last season.

Love you Angie and Doug, can't wait to see pics of little Miss Gracie during her visit.

Mindy B.