Thursday, June 05, 2008

Crazy Week...

Blurb #1: No photos to post... too busy!!! School is officially over. Our teacher work day is tomorrow and I am in the process of moving classrooms. My entire classroom is in boxes and file cabinets crammed in the hallway and commons area. Hopefully tomorrow I can throw things in closets and forget them until August... wishful thinking, but I'm taking the positive approach!

Blurb #2: I have entered my little darling into a model search contest for PARENT magazine. You can see her photo gallery by visiting Click photo search and type in Addie Leigh. There are only 30,000 kids entered into the contest so far... odds are we will never hear back from the contest, but it's fun all the same. There are some really adorable kiddos entered... It's kind of a face book/speed dating for preschoolers.

1 comment:

Amy and Scott said...

YEA - SUMMER! Can't wait to play with you on our days off.