Sunday, December 07, 2008

Hey Kids...

Every wonder what your teachers and parents do on the weekends or after you go to bed... D-D-R! That's right, we have Dance, Dance Revolution competitions! We rock out to X-Box Rock Band and pretend we are Bon Jovi and Cheryl Crowe. We are ROCK STARS with wicked dance moves! Saturday night we hosted the Sand Creek Intermediate faculty holiday party and had a really good time with everyone. The only lingering question of the night is... Did Mrs. Kingsley (aka Brittney Spears)crash the FCI faculty party on her way home?


The Maines Family Blog said...

SCI is so lucky to have such fun and cool teachers!!! Looks like you had a blast Saturday!

Tara said...

You know Brittany crashed the FCI party! Just don't be jealous Ang!