Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Words and Sounds That Make Us Smile...

1. Tucker
2. Yellow Banana
3. Yellow Lemon
4. Draw, Draw, Draw
5. Juice
6. Get Down
7. Monkey... woh, woh, woh
8. Dog... arf, arf, arf
9. Lion... roar
10. Tiger... grr
11. Sheep... bah, bah
12. Bird... cheap, cheap
13. Bellybutton

These are just some of the words, sounds and actions we get from Addie on a daily basis, while reading books are playing, that make us smile. Today, Doug was chasing her and she stopped, turned around, pointed right at him and told him "No Dada!" He and I just busted out laughing, she was so cute with her determined command.

She is making great strides with her walking. We absolutely love her therapist, Carrie. She is realistic and grounded. She gives us our weekly homework and exercises to work on, and we take it all to heart. Addie is walking more and more each day. Tonight she took 6-7 steps to me with no support. It was very exciting!


The Maines Family Blog said...

Addie you are so smart!!! Sweet little you... brings so much joy to every one you are around! We can't wait to see you and play again soon! AND see those steps too!

The Gray Family said...

Good job Addie, I know Mommy and Daddy are sooo proud! We hope to see you soon!

The Ranek Family said...

You go girl! You are going to be chasing us all before we know it. Look forward to playing soon.

Amy and Scott said...

Hey Addie - you are one smart cookie! Teach the girls some of your tricks ok :)