Thursday, July 19, 2007

GI Jane...

I have been calling Addie "GI Jane" lately, because she still isn't crawling. She army crawls everywhere like she is training in an Army boot camp. This morning, I converted her walker into a scooter. It is now her new military assault vehicle. She sits down and scoots herself all around the house. I swear this child will do anything to avoid crawling on all fours. She is standing and walking (with assistance) with greater confidence and strength each day. Just today she was standing against the couch and kept letting go... such a brave little booger!

(Photo Side-Note: She is wearing my favorite pjs... frogs in tutus!)

1 comment:

The Ranek Family said...

Your pj's are w...a....y.... cool! I love frogs too, but somehow miss Fallyn has taken a liking to a small stuffed bunny!