Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday...

Wendy, Angie, Alli & Amy

Bar Stool - check! Drinks - check! Game Faces - check!

Colts Win!!! Colts Win!!! Colts Win!!!

We hosted our 2nd annual Super Bowl Party with Amy & Scott and Tim & Alli. The three families go in together to host a private party at the Mine Shaft in Broad Ripple for friends and family. The food that is catered is amazing and everyone always has such a good time!

The stakes were extremely high this year with the Colts playing in the big game. I'll be honest, I can't tell you who played in the Super Bowl last year, but this year is one for the record books! The first half of the game was such an emotional roller coaster. Those turnovers were hard to swallow, and the fact that they were playing during a monsoon didn't help matters. But they pulled it off! I am so proud and excited for our team and our state. It really is a win for everyone when you have a team that is chalked full of good role models and is modest in their victories. They are first class all the way!

The city has been a nonstop celebration destination for the past two days. We have all bought our newspapers and t-shirts. Doug and I didn't have it in us to brave the bitter cold for the victory parade and rally downtown last night. We stayed in and watched everything on TV in the cozy warmth of our home. The rally at the dome was insanely loud, but so exciting to watch!

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